MB&J Presents 2008 Annual Employment Law Update to Local SHRM Chapter
On June 3, 2008, Mark Whitney and Dan Field were the presenters at the 23rd Annual Employment Law Update for the MetroWest Human Resource Management Association, a local chapter of the Society for Human Resource Management. This was the sixth year in a row that MB&J has presented this full-day event.
Among the many topics presented, Mark and Dan spent the day discussing:
– Legislative, Regulatory, and Case law Update – What’s New and How Does it Impact HR?
– Key Developments in Wage and Hour Law
– Accommodating Disabilities, Religious Beliefs, and a Lack of Abilily to Speak or Read English in the Workplace
(Click links to access the PowerPoint slides for these three segments of the Update.)
Anyone with questions about the materials addressed at the seminar should fee free to contact Mark (mwhitney@morganbrown.com) or Dan (dfield@morganbrown.com).