Phil Boyle Quoted in Article about Evergreen Clauses in Public Sector Collective Bargaining Agreements
In an article published in the Eagle Tribune on November 14, 2010, MBJ partner Phil Boyle was quoted extensively on the impact of the SJC’s landmark decision to prohibit evergreen clauses in public sector collective bargaining agreements. In the article, Phil explains that the SJC’s holding in Boston Housing Authority creates an incentive for both parties to be proactive about negotiating a labor contract by eliminating the tactic of delay which has created frustration and antagonism between parties. “The beauty of the SJC decision is that it removed this artificial tourniquet that is on the collective bargaining process, and it says to both parties, ‘Go into the room and negotiate a contract,'” he said.
A copy of the article is available here.
For more information on the impact of the Boston Housing Authority Decision, please see our MBJ client alert entitled, SJC Finds “Evergreen” Clauses in Public Sector Contracts Unenforceable.